Over a period Managed Service Providers (MSPs) has built a thriving business out of strong demand and asks for cloud services by their existing customers. Enterprises have adopted the Cloud First realm and CIOs quickly got into managed services contracts with MSPs and IT Solution Providers. In this entire journey, the Managed Service Providers turned into Managed Cloud Service Providers.
Managed Service Providers (MSPs) vs Managed Cloud Service Providers (MCSPs)
Primarily both sounds similar but Managed Service Providers primarily focused on managing Cloud Infrastructure and Managed Cloud Service Providers are on Monetization and Management.
Fundamentally revenue streams are wider hence avenues for growth. MSP and MCSP terms are becoming interchangeable now but differences are yet not fading. Since business avenues and models have changed, the traditional Cloud Management Platform (CMP) will not be a greater help for MSPs to match growth. So let’s look at briefly what I mean by traditional CMP.
What MSPs Need to Know About Cloud Management
Traditional Cloud Management Platform provides just to manage Infrastructure workloads and enables you to perform only IT operations which are limited to “Manage”. The business operations features are a big miss and often MSPs end up using multiple IT products to take care their end to end requirements. The modern CMP constitutes “Monetize”, “Optimize” and “Manage” and provides both ease of IT and Business Operations by having the right Governance framework to implement.
In a typical scenario where MSP has built its offerings for providing Infrastructure services out of a private cloud and virtualization technologies like VMware, OpenStack, Microsoft, IBM, etc and this been a major share of their business. However with Public Cloud market gaining momentum and MSPs signing up with Microsoft as CSP partners and Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, or other public cloud providers as resellers. The need for a single platform helping to orchestrate, manage, and monetize is a thoughtful decision.
Following table will help to map your CMP requirements and understand their features.

There are many tools claims to be Cloud Management Platform offering features limited to IT support Operations and cannot help MSPs to Bill, Invoice, and handle Payments. It’s myopic to see Infrastructure and manage services into isolation especially when today MSPs deals with around two to three types of cloud vendors and technology. Interestingly enterprises have changed their business perspective. MSP will no longer sell Cloud; they will be selling Managed Cloud. MSPs may no longer going to have exclusive managed services contracts and Managed services will be blended with cloud services sales and both will be delivered On-demand.
Accelerate MSP's growth, efficiently manage and deliver value to Customers
Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform Provides MSPs a complete solution to manage and monetize your business. It also enables you to optimize your business and IT operations by providing essential features like:
- Define, create, and publish services and service bundles.
- Service catalogs to support self-service provisioning
- Define service costs and pricing.
- Supports subscription, metered usage, one-time fee, and other pricing models.
- Perform customer billing, invoice and payments reconciliation from the same platform.
- Allow users to compare, order, manage, access, and track usage of cloud resources from a single catalog, from multiple cloud service providers.
- Standardize how services are ordered and delivered, thereby reducing time-consuming processes.
- Department-specific catalog to control and avoid cloud sprawl.
- Manage customer’s budget and optimize their spending.
Jamcracker CMP is best fit managed service provider platform which works completely for managed service provider benefits.